SIL & SDA housing

APTOS is committed to assist NDIS participants transition into their desired lifestyle.

Why us?

If your NDIS plan includes home & living supports, you might be able to access housing services. APTOS helps you explore the different living and accommodation options available for you.


1. Explore your housing options

Our Support Coordination (COS) team will first identify your lifestyle preferences and current supports.

2. Apply

We will assist in arranging the necessary allied health assessments and other requirements to prepare your application.

3. Live independently

Once the NDIS approves your application, we will help you transition into your new living arrangements implementing your choice of supports.

Independent Living
Option (ILO)

This type of funding allows NDIS participants with complex care needs to choose around different living arrangement models. Whether you prefer living at home with friends, housemates, live on your own or live with a host family, you choose your flexible schedule of support. ILO doesn’t cover rent, transport, or food expenses, but the care service of your choice. 

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

SIL is for NDIS participants who require 24/7 support. SIL gives you the opportunity to build your capacity to perform daily tasks while living independently or building meaningful relationships while sharing a SIL accommodation and receiving the support you need. SIL doesn’t cover the cost of the property or food expenses but home care services. SIL packages may include personal care, medication management, assistance with household tasks, implementation of behaviour support plans and more.

Supported Disability
Accommodation (SDA)

SDA is for NDIS participants with very high complex support needs who require accessible housing facilities. SDA dwellings are designed with special features to improve safety, comfort and accessibility.